
On the SONA 2018


Indeed the speech came straight from the heart -- probably mostly from the heart of the team of speech writers and advisers.

If SONA speeches could spell clearly a nation's direction, then perhaps the president's SONA 2018 speech team would make for a better executive branch manager than Digong. 😏

But in fairness, by sticking to the script, this 2018 SONA played out as a far better SONA speech than the previous ones. (Except for the surprise drama in the lower house prior to the SONA proper which almost took the focus out of the main event.)

In the speech, some of what are of prime importance and what has been strongly promised, perhaps we can still handle enduring a bit more of suffering by putting back some measure of trust on these promises once more.

The fulfillment of SONA promises is a wait and see game. Therefore, pray [so] that the president's SONA 2018 would not end up as [another] failed promises.