
Alliance vulnerability cause that should no longer be overlooked

Until Digong has finally found the strength to defeat the raging inner tantrums of his ego every time it gets hurt, the integrity of our alliances with other countries (particularly with the U.S.A.) is always subject to his impulsive irrational knee-jerk outbursts. Every time he feels insulted or hurt, our country's welfare remains vulnerable to getting forcefully dragged into his highly-charged emotional whims and motives. The country gets mercilessly forced to rally around whatever unplanned and unconsulted hasty decision his hurt ego might have triggered at the moment of his heightened emotion.

This has to stop. Would somebody be kind and courageous enough to help the president fight his inner enemy? Can't we see that this evil is slowly defeating the president from the inside? If this inner enemy totally overpowers the president, so goes also the integrity of our country's alliances. If we want the president to succeed, then let us no longer remain blind to his inner struggle. Let us help him win his fight against his inner enemy.

This newly initiated Philippines-China reconciliation is also very much subject to the inner enemy of Digong. The Chinese are just human beings like all of us and they too have their human weaknesses and they too are not perfect. We have yet to experience and see how their leaders manage their own inner enemies. 

Let us all pray that this newly initiated reconciliation endures despite our current president's inner struggle.

The following article may help us understand an inner enemy that we also perhaps is struggling against.

By Oscar. V. Cruz, DD
Views and Points, CBCP News
October 24, 2016

Ego-centric, ego-centered, ego-maniac. Self-centered, self-absorbed, self-satisfied, self-contented. Conceited, smug, vain. All these are some key words in layman’s language for identifying and understanding a person who is “Narcissistic”. This personal liability is in the context and implication of “I” and “me” and “myself”. This is the trio that somehow point out the centerpiece of the above-said egocentric malady. Someone existing and living in his or her world, somebody who has himself or herself as the center-point of everybody and everything else—such can be considered as the external manifestations of constitutional individualism.

All the above descriptive egoism incarnate make the person concerned as the beginning and the end of everybody else as well as everything else. It is himself or herself what counts the most in all agenda—plans, designs, projects. Everything and everybody else are expected to have the said subject individual as the key and central reference point—or nobody and nothing ultimately matters for him or her. So it is that the common denominator of all those afflicted by such an egocentric personality liability is the strong, consistent and persistent sense of self in terms of superlative importance, significance and relevance. In other words, the same should be the center of attraction, the focus of attention, the object of adulation. Anybody and everybody else—what they think and say, what they do or not do—none of these really matter.

So is it that someone with the innate personality trait of “Ego-centricity” has some kind of a delusive perception of supra big self-importance such that he or she has and entertains the feeling of immense self-worth and wherefore entitled to pursuant focal attention of everybody else. The individual concerned has a grandiose personal self-perception such that this highly superior personal self-assessment becomes mandatory for all others to carefully relate with him and to unconditionally obey him. Otherwise, all of them would be big losers—not knowing what is good for them. The truth is that the subject-victim of the said ego-centric personality constitution can go as far as feeling omnipotent and wherefore singular, unique and indispensable.

Considering themselves wherefore as special persons, it is understandable that anyone saddled by “Ego-centricity” demand and expect special treatment precisely because they are special individuals—according to their special worth and dignity. So it is that they strongly dislike if not actually hate criticism—even feeling much offended by the indifference and disdain of others towards their own perceived distinct self-worth and consequent self-importance. And so it is that they are not merely upset but also angered—if not actually enraged—when others do not notice, much less acknowledge their own perceived self-worth, their own perceived and sustained uniqueness. They think as they please. They say what they want. They do as they like. Everybody and everything else do not matter!