
Character Formation: The Only Right Alternative to "RH Bill" for the Youth


Very uplifting is the message of their song. What the video portrays is a very good example of a small local community spiritually guiding their youth in the right path that they should go so that they would not be swayed by the negative influences of the worldly culture around them.

"For though we walk in the flesh, we don't wage war according to the flesh; for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but mighty before God to the pulling down of strongholds, throwing down imaginations and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:3-5) 

A problem which has more of a psychological/spiritual dimension can't be remedied appropriately with solutions that are merely material in nature and it can't be dealt with effectively if it is addressed in the physical realm alone.

With all of its symptoms and consequences, irresponsible sex is more of a mental attitude problem than it is a physical one. Therefore to address this problem with the use of solutions such as those provided in the proposed Reproductive Health bill -- which primarily includes maternal-and-child healthcare products and services as well as birth-prevention products and services -- is to merely deal with the physical consequences of the problem and does not address the psychological dimension of the problem itself at its very core.

In today's instant-gratification world, the correct and proper teaching of the ABC's of sexual responsibility which is a big part of the most critical phase of youth development has been greatly declining in most of the societies across the globe -- already almost to the point of total neglect. Majority of the young minds of today's information age, on their own, are left freely learning wrong norms from the various forms of media they constantly are exposed to everyday -- the internet, mobile phone, television, radio, movies, magazines, etc. Both at home and in school, parents and educators alike have become seriously negligent of the responsibility of molding the character dimension of the youth. Today's educational systems seem to have failed to prevent the destruction of the balance between material prosperity and spiritual prosperity. More and more focus has been given to career and profession building while less and less focus is given to character formation.

And how about the religious institutions? How are they fairing with respect to the formation of the youth's character? So sad to admit, but they too have failed the youth of today in varying degrees. Many of them preach a kind of Christianity without cross. Others preach a kind of cross without Christ. While the rest preach on material prosperity more than spiritual matters, and this is perhaps why they are supportive of the contraception-based solution to the problem of sexual irresponsibility-related poverty.

If societies are to succeed in the fight against the consequences of sexual irresponsibility in today's nihilistic and narcissistic world, one key and major factor to be given big focus in the overall strategy is the [re]formation of people's character particularly in the young minds of the youth. Molding them and guiding them spiritually with right values and imparting virtues into their young minds. Approaching the problem this way targets the underlying psychological dimension of the problem of irresponsible sex right at its very core.

This is the only right alternative to the proposed U.N.-advocated Reproductive Health bill that can stand the best chance against the menace and consequences of sexual irresponsibility.

A - Abstinence. Teaching them the virtue of chastity and purity before marriage.
B - Be Faithful. Teaching them the virtue of marital fidelity.
C - Character. Teaching them the Word of God for the formation of godly character.

"Train up your children in the way they should go, and when they are old they will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6)