
Comelec-sponsored public fora instead of political ads

Link: Gordon urges ban on political ads

Instead of the very expensive paid individual political ads appearing on media outlets (which are mostly loaded with mere "papogi" points which only contribute to the dumbing of the electorates' capacity to wisely choose for the right leaders), media outlets should be covering and broadcasting live scheduled Comelec-sponsored public fora on political platforms, and proposals of solutions to the country's pressing problems & issues.

This is an old excellent idea whose need for real advocacy is long overdue. Attempts at advocating this concept is greatly hampered by opposing interests from wealthy politicians and the media organizations because its result would adversely diminish the undue advantage of rich candidates and would completely take away the extra windfall income of leading media organizations during election seasons.

This idea could be another right step in the right direction along "Daang Matuwid". If Dick Gordon would be willing to muster full guts and lead a strong real advocacy on this cause, then [perhaps] our country's electoral system could be redirected some degrees to the right direction.